Perk annex

Perkannex provides services that are specifically designed to produce a value-driven result that increases our clients' profitability by saving significant cost. We operate in an industry where cost-effectiveness and bottom-line benefits dominate the entire business which is key to survival. Therefore, we do not just conduct investigations; we constantly respond to the unique requirements of our clients and look for implementing new processes and technologies to yield the greatest results. The results of our in-depth intelligence gathering have significantly reduced or eliminated the exposure for our clients.

We have a full service Insurance investigation team which conducts investigations pertaining to Insurance fraud and Insurance claims verification. We work closely with our clients to assist in identifying those fraudulent insurance acts through false claims. Our teams of highly trained investigators works with the legal staff and executive committee to process insurance fraud claims and testify during trials about their discoveries from the investigation.

We are committed to deliver timely, accurate, seamless, reliable, cost effective and hassle-free outsourcing services to our clients.

Our talented teams have been using the latest technology to provide you with amazing services at very competitive prices. We study every project requirements with enthusiasm and put-in the best efforts to produce timely delivery in accurate form whether the project is large scale or small scale.

We offer our clients a wide range of cost effective outsourcing services including Medical Coding, Health Insurance Claim Processing, Hospital Management Software (HMS), Web Services and Health Care SEO and Branding.